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10:00 am - 7:15 pm Jun 13 • 2023

10:00 am – 6:00 pm
, Registration and Information Desk Open

Pre-Function C, Level 1
Registration Desk will also be open 2 pm – 6 pm on Monday, June 12*
Presented by Optum – An AHIP Select Member

10:00 am – 7:00 pm
, Bag and Luggage Check

Exhibit Hall B, Level 1
KEYNOTE SESSION BAG POLICY • Small bags, no larger than 12” x 12” x 6”, are permitted and subject to visual screening. • Larger bags, including backpacks and luggage, are not allowed in Keynote Sessions.
Presented by AHIP

10:00 am – 1:00 pm
, Welcome Refreshments

Pre-Function C, Level 1
Presented by AHIP

11:30 am – 12:45 pm
, Lunch & Learns

  • Lunch will begin at 11:30 am. Speaking Sessions will begin promptly at 12:00 pm.

    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Building for Maternal Health Equity: Addressing Barriers to Preventative Care

      Presented by Aeroflow Healthcare
      B114, Level 1

      The maternal health crisis is perpetuated by siloed interventions and a lack of integrated care. Join this discussion to hear experts discuss the underlying social, economic, and systemic factors contributing to maternal morbidity and mortality rates and disparities. Learn how thoughtfully designed, prevention-based interventions can ensure health equity, access and engagement with quality maternal health care.

    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      Enhancing Value-Based Care through Digital Transformation

      Presented by Milliman
      B115, Level 1

      The pace of change is accelerating, and transitioning to fee-for-value is no exception. Join this session to hear actionable advice and insights on integrating enterprise data, using APIs and data lakes, formulating cloud strategies, and leveraging interoperability, analytics, and benchmarks. Learn how these approaches can improve reporting, risk workflows, contracting positions, network design, and overall efficiency, enhancing both revenue and patient care.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Increasing Primary Care Access: Integration of Virtual and In-Person Care

      Presented by Accolade, Inc
      B110, Level 1

      About 6 in 10 adult Americans have a chronic disease, yet 25% don't have a primary care physician (PCP). While employers strive to engage employees in their health, it can take employees 24 days to schedule a PCP appointment. Yet virtual tools create new opportunities for patients to access primary care. Explore how integrating virtual and in-person care can transform access and proactive outreach, offer personalized care experiences, and improve engagement and outcomes.

    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      Leveraging AI and Clinical Data to Accelerate Prior Authorizations

      Presented by Availity
      C123, Level 1

      To improve the member experience, health plan leaders need access to data that currently does not flow freely through the health care ecosystem. Capabilities to maximize the benefit of clinical data are now available and being adopted widely. This session will address the two most significant data challenges in health care: the use of clinical data and the application of data to automate authorizations and drive enhanced business intelligence with AI.

    • Improving Accessibility, Affordability, and Transparency of Health Care

      Prior Auth Automation: Insights from Implementing EHR-Based Authorizations

      Presented by MCG Health
      A109, Level 1

      Achieving successful interoperability requires preparation for future CMS prior authorization requirements. Learn from several prior authorization implementations, including using the HL7 Da Vinci Project Implementation Guides from HL7® FHIR® for automating prior authorization processes. An expert panel of health insurance providers will discuss the challenges and successes of implementing new interoperability standards.

    • Next-Generation Consumer Experience and Engagement

      The Cost of Doing Nothing: Driving More Accountability with Your Vendors and Partners

      Presented by Vida Health
      B119, Level 1

      With rising costs and a greater desire to drive more equitable care, health insurance provider leaders are trying to balance their budgets while maximizing value from their current vendors, partners, and providers. Whether closing gaps in care or putting more rigor behind outcomes, leaders should evaluate whether changes are necessary to achieve better quality care. This session will address how you can drive more accountability with your vendors and partners.

    • Technology, Trends and Business Insights

      2023 State of Health Care: Dynamic Forces Reshaping the Industry

      Presented by Advisory Board
      A106, Level 1

      The health care industry is currently facing an increasingly dynamic business climate, dominated by rising costs and inflation, tightening margins, and staffing challenges. The array of urgent, disruptive market forces today mean that leaders must navigate an unusually high number of short-term crises and opportunities. Join this discussion to learn how leaders' strategic choices now will have an outsized impact on their trajectory toward long-term goals.

1:15 pm – 3:45 pm
, Keynote Session

3:45 pm – 7:15 pm
, Exhibit Hall Open

Halls C-D, Level 1
Exhibit Hall Open with Solutions Providers

3:45 pm – 4:30 pm
, Break

Halls C-D, Level 1
Coffee & Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Solutions Providers
Presented by CERiS

4:00 pm – 4:15 pm
, Presentation Theater

    • Closing Laboratory Information Gaps to Increase Point of Care Clinical Insights

      Presented by Labcorp
      Presentation Theater #1: Booth1137 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Lab values are estimated to fuel 70% of clinical decisions, but accessing patient lab results residing outside an organization’s EHR can be challenging and burdensome for clinicians. Explore the benefits of a single view of patient lab values by consolidating data from both the EHR and a national unified and standardized lab database at the point of care. Learn how to reduce the information gap and help clinicians more effectively and efficiently manage patients and close care gaps.

    • Improving Health and Proving ROI – Demonstrating Measurable Results with RCT

      Presented by Mobe Health
      Presentation Theater #2: Booth1737 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      With the explosion of vendors offering solutions to lower medical and Rx claims costs, and the high number of variables influencing total cost of care, measuring ROI and proving which solutions work is critical. Join this session to explore a practical approach to design and execute a Randomized Controlled Trial in your organization to gain insight into what actually improves outcomes. Learn how to use a measurement methodology that can measure claims savings, ROI and demonstrate true value.

4:30 pm – 6:10 pm
, Concurrent Sessions

  • 4:30 pm – 5:15 pm


    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Prepare for the CMS Health Equity Index: Deep Dive on Disparities

      Presented by Inovalon lateral 2020
      A106, Level 1

      Advancing health equity is the first pillar of the CMS strategic plan. As such, the development of a Health Equity Index (HEI) is a key initiative to enhance Medicare Advantage Star Ratings. Join this session to explore how the HEI will be calculated and techniques MA plans can employ to understand performance on component measures. Gain insights to identify disparities in populations with social risks and best practices to address systemic inequities in care delivery.

    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      Using Venture Capital and Innovative Partnerships to Achieve High-Value Care

      C123, Level 1

      How do you operationalize value-based agreements and improve care for millions across states? This session will explore how one health insurance provider is leveraging innovative partnerships to strengthen access to high quality, affordable health care. Speakers will provide unique insights on executing successful, value-based care on a multistate scale, making value-based care work in rural communities, and partnering with health startups to create innovative solutions for their members.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      The Payer’s Role in Addressing Adolescent Mental Health

      B114, Level 1

      This session will examine the complexities of adolescent mental health and how health insurance providers can assist stakeholders in both managing them and overcoming barriers to care. With many members serving as parents or caregivers, supporting young people’s mental health has become critical, particularly in the digital age and amidst the growing suicide crisis. Learn about the unique opportunities’ payers have to tackle these issues by increasing mental health resources and promoting total health.

    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      Enterprise Capabilities to Maximize Business Value from Data and Analytics

      Presented by Optum – An AHIP Select Member
      B115, Level 1

      Although 65% of health leaders view data and analytics as a competitive differentiator, only 17% of health companies get measurable business impact from their data and analytics strategies. Join this discussion to learn how technology breakthroughs will impact health operations and the critical capabilities needed to harness business value from data and analytics. Gain insights into actionable use cases, including the latest applications of models from Open AI, Google and others.

    • Improving Accessibility, Affordability, and Transparency of Health Care

      Transforming Health Expense Management Hurdles into Financial Wellness Solutions

      Presented by Fidelity
      B110, Level 1

      Even a benefit to attract and retain the best workforce can involve confusion and stress when employees face health care issues and must pay for care. Join us to hear research on how employers and their employees are managing health costs and how employers can transform expense management challenges into financial wellness solutions.

    • Next-Generation Consumer Experience and Engagement

      Served With a Smile: Using Pharmacy to Transform the Member Experience

      B119, Level 1

      Member engagement strategies often include tactics and modalities to ensure members feel valued and appreciated. By understanding how pharmacy-related initiatives and interventions impact the overall member experience, organizations can improve the way individuals perceive and engage with their health care journeys. Learn how leading organizations are leveraging pharmacy to elevate the member experience, resulting in better health outcomes and an overall positive impact on individuals' lives.

    • Medicare, Medicaid, Duals, and Commercial Markets Updates

      From “What If” to “What Now”: Meeting the Public Health Imperative

      A109, Level 1

      In overcoming the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the nation’s health care delivery and public health systems found an undeniable imperative, a well-supported, integrated public health system is essential in times of crisis. Learn why 5 major players in health care have formed a coalition to ensure that our nation’s health care and public health systems have the tools, knowledge, and working relationships needed to respond effectively in future health emergencies.

    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      The Power of Analytics: How Payers Are Reinventing Their Business Models

      Presented by ZS
      Presentation Theater #2, Booth 1737 – Halls C-D

      Dynamic market trends—shifting sites of care, public health crises, and changing consumer attitudes, among others—indicate a clear case for change. Health plans will need to reinvent their business models and disrupt themselves to adapt, and true transformation will require investment in the right analytics strategies. Hear insights from senior health plan leaders on using analytics to develop strategies for driving growth and improving value in a competitive landscape.

  • 5:25 pm – 6:10 pm


    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Advancing Equity through Quality Measurement and Accreditation

      A106, Level 1

      Quality measurement and accreditation have become key levers in addressing disparities and promoting health equity. COVID-19 has brought into focus the disparities in health and health care in the United States, and spurred a call to urgently address health equity. Speakers in this session will discuss the numerous actions health plans are taking to identify and address disparities and promote health equity.

    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      Payer-Provider Partnerships: Re-Imagining the Health Care Supply Chain

      Presented by Vitality
      C123, Level 1

      Value-based care (VBC) remains a hot topic in U.S. health care circles, but VBC is only one model to lower costs and bolster payer-provider alignment. Join this discussion to explore various approaches to achieve win-win partnerships across the health care supply chain to improve outcomes, lower costs and ensure margin preservation. A panel of leaders will also examine what is required to achieve meaningful VBC contracting, JV’s and risk-sharing, and what can impede progress.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Leveraging AI to Address Maternal Health: Identification & Risk Stratification

      Presented by Lucina
      B114, Level 1

      To improve maternal health outcomes requires that health plans identify, understand, and engage pregnant individuals early. Hear insights on how AI-enabled solutions allow for first trimester identification and targeted risk stratification for high-risk populations. Explore how strategic use of this data can positively impact maternal and neonatal health outcomes and close the disparity gap.

    • Industry Disruption and Product Innovation

      Delivering Impact: Meeting Members’ Mental Health Needs through Virtual Care

      Presented by Included Health
      B115, Level 1

      Mental health has been a critical issue over the past several years, yet there is still much progress to be made. Hear insights from a health insurance provider on meeting members—especially those in their MA population—where they are by offering high-quality, affordable and accessible virtual mental health services. Learn to implement innovative tactics to drive utilization of virtual care to support mental health needs.

    • Improving Accessibility, Affordability, and Transparency of Health Care

      Short Term Meals Programs Can Yield Long-Term Results

      Presented by Mom's Meals 2022 logo
      B110, Level 1

      Increasingly, health insurance providers are addressing food instability to help members better manage chronic conditions. Hear a panel of experts discuss an analysis of member claims data 9 months and 12 months after a meals intervention demonstrating reductions in ED and IP utilization, length of stay and cost of care. Learn how to design an effective food as medicine intervention program and analyze claims to measure impact on utilization, cost of care, and medication adherence.

    • Technology, Trends and Business Insights

      Optimizing Your Testing Environment to Impact Efficiency and Productivity

      Presented by Healthedge
      A109, Level 1

      Health plans struggle with operational testing due to expense and effort required to hire resources, purchase automation tools, obtain test data, build test cases and execute. Join this session to optimize testing to improve productivity, auto-adjudication rates, and gain transferable testing data to repurpose for future use. Hear lessons learned from a health insurance provider on creating an ideal testing environment with proven best practices, automation tools, and transferable testing data.

    • Medicare, Medicaid, Duals, and Commercial Markets Updates

      Medicare Advantage: Driving Consumer Engagement and Member Satisfaction

      B119, Level 1

      Medicare Advantage plans are responding to beneficiaries' rising expectations for a digital, omnichannel experience. Join this session to learn how a leading health insurance provider embraces data and member engagement to drive innovation and evolve their products and services to meet their members' unique needs and preferences, allowing for a personalized and improved care experience.

6:10 pm – 7:15 pm
, Reception with Solutions Providers

Halls C-D, Level 1
Opening Night Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Solutions Providers
Presented by Walmart Health

6:15 pm – 6:50 pm
, Presentation Theater

  • 6:15 pm – 6:30 pm
    • Data-Driven Approaches to Succeed in Medicare Advantage

      Presented by EXL Service
      Presentation Theater #2: Booth1737 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Health insurance providers need to leverage their data to achieve a sustainable business model, reduce costs, and improve outcomes across their entire population, including Medicare Advantage. Join this session to examine how organizations can deploy data-driven approaches with prospective analytics and digitally enabled technology underpinning their operations. Learn how a data-driven approach can increase membership, reduce expenses and improve consumer experience.

  • 6:35 pm – 6:50 pm
    • Best Practices in Leveraging Clinical Validation for Payment Integrity

      Presented by MedReview
      Presentation Theater #1: Booth1137 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Deploying clinical validation best practices is a challenging yet critical endeavor for health insurance providers. Join this session to hear a case study examining how one health insurance provider went from the brink of insolvency to achieving payment integrity savings. Learn from best practices in DRG clinical validation and how to benchmark the outcomes of a successful payment integrity program.

    • Whole Person Care: Team-Based Care Approaches to Deliver Better Health

      Presented by Walmart Health
      Presentation Theater #2: Booth1737 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Meeting patients where they are and empowering them to take better control of their health can improve outcomes for millions of Americans while saving time and money for employers and employees. Join this session to discuss how limited access can lead to poor health outcomes and learn how to employ solutions for team-based care. Discover how a ‘whole person’ approach to health can give people the care they need — where and when they need it.

8:30 pm - 7:00 pm Jun 14 • 2023

8:00 am – 7:15 pm
, Bag and Luggage Check

Exhibit Hall B, Level 1
KEYNOTE SESSION BAG POLICY • Small bag, no larger than 12” x 12” x 6”, are permitted and subject to visual screening. • Larger bags, including backpacks and luggage, are not allowed in Keynote Sessions.

8:30 am – 5:30 pm
, Registration and Information Desk Open

Pre-Function C, Level 1
Registration and Information Desk Open
Presented by Optum – An AHIP Select Member

8:45 am – 10:15 am
, Keynote Session

10:15 am – 7:00 pm
, Exhibit Hall Open

Halls C-D, Level 1
Exhibit Hall Open with Solutions Providers

10:15 am – 11:00 am
, Break

Halls C-D, Level 1
Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Solutions Providers
Presented by CERiS

10:20 am – 10:55 am
, Presentation Theater

  • 10:20 am – 10:35 am
    • Personalizing the Member Journey

      Presented by ResultsCx
      Presentation Theater #1: Booth1137 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Members expect exceptional experience from their health plans and providers today. Offering friction-free member service is not simple, but it can be a differentiator. Join this discussion to better understand your member demographics and preferences, and unify data to build a holistic view of your members. Learn how to personalize responses to members and create seamless experiences via omnichannel solutions.

    • Operationalizing AI – Best Practices for Becoming an AI-First Organization

      Presented by Exponential AI
      Presentation Theater #2: Booth1737 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      In order to transform business models to deliver improved value to members and providers, operationalizing AI is critical. Join this session to learn how to engage your entire enterprise by building trust through transparency and complement your existing capabilities with an open architecture. Gain insights to deploy AI capabilities, deliver real-time decisions at scale, and develop a digital AI workforce.

  • 10:40 am – 10:55 am
    • Leveraging Data and Analytics to Optimize Value-Based Contracts

      Presented by Gray Matter Analytics
      Presentation Theater #1: Booth1137 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Addressing health disparities in behavioral health is critical to improving outcomes. Join this session to learn how data and analytics can help identify gaps in care and achieve expectations of value-based contracts. Hear about an innovative approach to meeting increased demand for behavioral health services and how to best leverage analytic insights.

    • Employer Group Playbook: 3 Threads to Pull In 2023

      Presented by Merative
      Presentation Theater #2: Booth1737 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Health plans need to balance the demands of many groups. Their employer clients have unique challenges when it comes to managing risk, population health and profitability, especially in our current economic climate. Join this session for new insights into population trends impacting employers, to help health plans identify the key opportunities where you can make the biggest difference for your clients in the second half of 2023 and beyond.

11:00 am – 11:45 am
, Concurrent Sessions


    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Food is Medicine and its Impact on Population Health

      B119, Level 1

      Many Americans lack access to affordable, nutritious food, leading to high rates of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes. This session will present new initiatives that provide evidence-based solutions and tools to help the health sector design and scale programs promoting access to nutritious food. The initiatives aim to improve health equity, reduce health care costs, and alleviate the adverse impacts of limited access to healthy food.

    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      Innovative Alternative Payment Models for Value-Based Behavioral Health Care

      A109, Level 1

      Improving the health of individuals with behavioral health conditions is a significant interest for health plans, but creating effective programs has been a challenge. This session will discuss ways to improve care quality and affordability for members with behavioral health needs. Speakers will offer approaches for measuring health equity and incentivizing behavioral health alternative payment models. The focus will be on collaboration between payers and providers to achieve improved outcomes.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Leveraging Payer-Provider Partnerships to Improve Care for Complex Patients

      Presented by Optum – An AHIP Select Member
      C123, Level 1

      As care complexities and treatment costs rise, payer-provider collaboration is becoming more critical, especially to effectively manage high-needs patients. Joining forces, regardless of the size or scope, can make a meaningful difference. Join this discussion to explore how supporting payer-provider partnerships can help strengthen care coordination, better manage complex care needs, and improve affordability and outcomes.

    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      Cacophony or Symphony? Eliminating Bias and Noise to Improve Outcomes

      Presented by Quest Analytics
      B114, Level 1

      Health care leaders today manage multiple challenges to improve access to high-quality care to improve health outcomes and lower costs. Take an unprecedented look at how bias and noise in decision-making lead to unintended consequences and greater variation in care. Utilizing relevant case studies around sleep and fertility, you will learn how to undo the unintended consequences of bias by leveraging real-world data to optimize your health plan network and improve outcomes at scale.

    • Improving Accessibility, Affordability, and Transparency of Health Care

      Realizing Value with Virtual Care to Achieve Whole-Person Health

      Presented by Teladoc Health – An AHIP Select Member
      A106, Level 1

      As virtual care becomes an indispensable component of the health care experience, health plans are demanding more results—and greater value—from their investment. Consumers have also come to expect high value virtual care. Hear insights on how an integrated virtual care solution that supports a wide range of physical and mental health needs improves access, outcomes, and the consumer experience—and how this whole-person approach to care fits into organizations’ long-term strategies.

    • Next-Generation Consumer Experience and Engagement

      Improving Patient Experience and Performance in the Star Ratings Program

      Presented by Personify Health
      B110, Level 1

      Join this discussion to learn how future-minded health plans are personalizing their members’ experience. Gain insights to access more than clinical data to spur member engagement and develop strategies to deliver the kind of VIP experience members expect, end member churn, and close gaps in care.

    • Medicare, Medicaid, Duals, and Commercial Markets Updates

      Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on the Medicare Part D Program

      B115, Level 1

      Speakers will discuss the significant changes being made to the Part D program under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the potential implications for patients, plan sponsors, drug manufacturers, and the government.

11:55 am – 1:15 pm
, Lunch & Learns

  • Lunch will begin at 11:55 am. Speaking Sessions will begin promptly at 12:30 pm.

    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Leverage Community-Based Groups to Address SDOH and Improve Outcomes

      Presented by Wider Circle
      B110, Level 1

      Social determinants of health contribute to significant variation in health care access and outcomes. Utilizing a peer-to-peer approach can help tackle social drivers in a holistic way to impact outcomes and equity. Hear how community-based, facilitated member-to-member interventions can enable payers to access hard-to-reach communities. Learn how this model can improve outcomes, lower cost and increase member retention.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Tackling Behavioral Health: A Strategic Imperative

      Presented by spring health
      C123, Level 1

      In the midst of a widespread mental health crisis, Americans are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. As a result, health plans have prioritized improving access to and quality of behavioral health as a strategic imperative. But there are longstanding shortages of behavioral health providers and many do not participate in health plan networks. Join this discussion to learn how to navigate the behavioral health landscape, structure an RFP process, launch a behavioral health partnership, and monitor clinical and financial outcomes.

    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      Improving Efficiency: Surfacing Clinical Member Data in the Moment of Care

      Presented by Athenahealth
      B114, Level 1

      Creating new opportunities for health insurance and health care providers to access clinical data in the workflow is essential to improving health care efficiency. Join this session to explore how to build new value opportunities by surfacing care and diagnosis data in the moment of care to support both clinical and financial outcomes. Learn how health insurance and health care providers are gaining access to patient encounter data which can reduce provider friction and improve quality care.

    • Path to Proactive, Precise, and Preventive Population Health Management

      Presented by Sanofi
      Room: 103, Level 1

      Improving the quality of care delivered requires an emphasis on early detection and prevention to mitigate over- and under-treatment, as well as to reduce readmissions. Join this session to explore progressive screening approaches that integrate early detection, digital health, and AI assistance to improve equity and accessibility. Gain insights into strategies for effective implementation and expansion of upstream health care technologies for preventive population health management.

    • Improving Accessibility, Affordability, and Transparency of Health Care

      New Ways to Harness Provider and Member Data to Personalize Health Care

      Presented by CAQH
      A109, Level 1

      With robust and accurate data, health plans can develop strategies to match members with providers who understand their needs and background. Health equity and member matching can improve outcomes, and satisfaction. But effectively delivering data driven strategies can be challenging. Speakers will explore how health plans are using data to improve the health care experience for both members and providers, including best practices, and lessons learned along the journey to better health care.

    • Next-Generation Consumer Experience and Engagement

      The ROI of CX: Strategies to Drive Highest-Value Member Engagement

      Presented by Zipari
      B119, Level 1

      A strong member engagement strategy that delivers optimal ROI is a critical component of effective CX. Join this session to discuss five strategies for driving the highest-value member engagement while streamlining operations. Gain insights and best practices utilized by health insurance providers to engage members in their health for improved outcomes.

    • Medicare, Medicaid, Duals, and Commercial Markets Updates

      Improve Star Ratings Through Enhanced Interoperability

      Presented by Surescripts 2022
      B115, Level 1

      Medicare Advantage plans with 4 or higher Star Ratings receive quality bonus payments that can be used to enhance benefits and/or reduce beneficiary cost-sharing. Join this discussion to explore how data and interoperability can help plans improve performance on Star Ratings measures including HEDIS and CAHPS measures. Learn from real-world examples on how interoperability of data and information exchange can improve plan performance on Star Ratings.

1:15 pm – 2:00 pm
, Break

Halls C-D, Level 1
Coffee & Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall with Solutions Providers
Presented by CERiS

1:25 pm – 2:00 pm
, Presentation Theater

  • 1:25 pm – 1:40 pm
    • Loneliness: A Driver of Engagement and Predictive Factor in High-Utilization

      Presented by Pyx Health
      Presentation Theater #1: Booth1137 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Loneliness makes it difficult for patients to fully engage in their health care journey; addressing it can improve outcomes for this population who can become high users of health services. Gain insights into one health plan’s strategies to use companionship and empowerment to activate member engagement. Learn to identify and resolve urgent SDOH needs, improve satisfaction and strengthen consumers’ connection to their plan – leading to better outcomes and lower use of unnecessary health care.

    • How Managed Care Plans and States Can Partner to Improve Maternal Health

      Presented by Mom's Meals 2022 logo
      Presentation Theater #2: Booth1737 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Join us for a focused discussion on ways health plans, state Medicaid, and health care leaders can take action to promote maternal health. Speakers will discuss disparities in rates of maternal mortality and nutrition security including examples of current collaborations and ways to measure success. Learn about pathways for supporting expectant members with nutrition services, which can impact maternal health outcomes and implications across the lifespan.

  • 1:45 pm – 2:00 pm
    • Specialty Drug Savings: Utilizing Cross-Benefit Management for Sustained Savings

      Presented by Optum – An AHIP Select Member
      Presentation Theater #1: Booth1137 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      With specialty pharmacy spend expected to surpass $660B by the end of 2024, health plans face an urgent need to address specialty spend. Join this session to learn how to utilize a cross-benefit approach for specialty drug management to drive real and sustained savings while simplifying the prior authorization experience.

    • Overcoming Providers’ Challenges for Successful Value-Based Care Programs

      Presented by FTI Consulting
      Presentation Theater #2: Booth1737 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      The value-based care transition is happening fast and providers face myriad value-based care options from health plans. What challenges do providers face and how can they be successful? And, most importantly, how can health plans help? Join this informative session to gain insights into a provider's perspective and how health plans can play a key role in their value-based care success.

2:00 pm – 4:40 pm
, Concurrent Sessions

  • 2:00 pm – 2:45 pm


    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Addressing Social Determinants of Maternal Health

      Presented by Ovia Health – An AHIP Select Member
      B119, Level 1

      The U.S. maternal mortality rate continues to climb and surged by 40% in 2021 according to the National Center for Health Statistics, underscoring an urgent need for solutions. Join a discussion of industry leaders to learn about innovative programs to reduce the maternal morbidity rate and improve outcomes for pregnant people, especially critical for communities of color. Gain insights and solutions to implement locally to manage maternal morbidity and improve maternal health outcomes including those focused on mental health, postpartum care, and social determinants of health.

    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      Moving the Value-Based Continuum Needle for Independent Primary Care Providers

      Presented by Optum – An AHIP Select Member
      B110, Level 1

      Encouraging independent primary care providers (PCPs) to move up the value-based continuum can be challenging. Join this session to explore strategies to create “win-win” financial arrangements between your organization and your independent PCPs. Learn approaches to help independent PCPs sustain success and increase provider satisfaction in value-based programs.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Behavioral Health Concierge: A People-First Innovation in Behavioral Health

      B115, Level 1

      This session will explore an innovative approach to expand access to behavioral health care. Hear how one health insurance provider worked with their integrated health system to develop a first-of-its-kind virtual concierge to support the mental health needs of staff and frontline caregivers and expanded to group insurance members. Gain insights on the ins-and-outs of the behavioral concierge and learn how programs like it can accelerate access to behavioral health services for your members.

    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      Improving Data Standards to Advance Health Equity

      A106, Level 1

      This session will highlight health insurance provider, government, and other health care stakeholder efforts to improve sociodemographic data standards, collection, and interoperable exchange. Speakers will discuss challenges, present lessons learned, and consider what needs to be in place from a policy and infrastructural perspective to maximize data collection efforts for health equity.

    • Improving Accessibility, Affordability, and Transparency of Health Care

      Affordability and Innovation: Ensuring Medications Reach All Those Who Need Them

      C123, Level 1

      In this session, speakers with deep expertise in pharmacy benefit management and prescription drug policy will explore innovative approaches to ensuring members get the highest-value, most effective therapies at the lowest cost while looking ahead to forthcoming challenges with new therapies.

    • Next-Generation Consumer Experience and Engagement

      Battle for Attention: Consumer-Centric Strategies to Drive Engagement

      Presented by Walgreens
      B114, Level 1

      As consumers are faced with myriad demands on their attention, what are the best practices for consumer engagement? Explore strategies to engage and educate consumers, collaborate to ensure coverage and access, and promote health and wellness. Join this discussion to learn how to reach members in effective, efficient ways that support enrollment, education and improved outcomes and highlight best practices to reach and engage the underserved.

    • Medicare, Medicaid, Duals, and Commercial Markets Updates

      Boots on the Ground Perspectives on Ensuring Continuous Coverage

      A109, Level 1

      This session will highlight the wide range of strategies being deployed by stakeholders to ensure that individuals are not inappropriately disenrolled from coverage when normal eligibility determination operations resume. Learn about the innovative work happening on the ground to mitigate gaps in care through Medicaid unwinding.

  • 2:55 pm – 3:40 pm


    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Employing Digital Care to Address Health Inequities for Pain Management

      Presented by Hinge Health
      A109, Level 1

      Pain is complex, personal, and everyone experiences it differently. Effective pain care must recognize the whole person and adapt to individual differences. Join this discussion to gain insights into digital care solutions that can address health inequities for conditions including musculoskeletal pain, depression, anxiety, and women’s health issues. Explore and debunk common myths about pain and learn how to employ digital solutions that can help people move beyond pain.

    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      From Volume to Value in Kidney Care: A Roadmap for Successful VBC Partnerships

      C123, Level 1

      As new value-based care companies enter the market with promises to improve outcomes and lower costs, should health plans consider launching a value-based care program for chronic kidney disease? This panel will discuss the potential benefits of value-based care for kidney care management, what makes a good contract to reduce risk to health plans and improve clinical outcomes for patients, and the roles of each party when it comes to sharing data to maximize effectiveness of the program.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Complete, Don’t Compete: Virtual Care to Support Chronic Conditions

      B114, Level 1

      We are past the era where people only receive medical care in-person. The number of virtual chronic care solutions, which promise to enhance care offered by providers, is proliferating at a rapid pace. Join this discussion to learn how these solutions can strengthen a provider network and member experience. Gain insights into the implementation challenges of virtual chronic care management and learn how virtual care solutions can support value-based partnerships.

    • Industry Disruption and Product Innovation

      Value Proposition of Home-Based Care

      A106, Level 1
    • Next-Generation Consumer Experience and Engagement

      Unlock the Power of AI and the Cloud for Exceptional Member Experiences

      Presented by Microsoft
      B110, Level 1

      Exceptional consumer experience begins with frictionless, personalized interactions. Learn how AI, data, and the cloud can optimize interactions, resolve complex inquiries, and enable self-service. Hear insights on how health insurance providers and PBMs are integrating systems, moving to the cloud, and leveraging the power of AI and data to amplify their contact centers and improve member satisfaction.

    • Technology, Trends and Business Insights

      Will ChatGPT Change Health Care Forever (and for the Better)?

      B115, Level 1

      AI and large language models have the potential to revolutionize the way health care is delivered. ChatGPT and other generative AI apps can analyze large amounts of medical data quickly to identify patterns and make predictions, aiding in early disease detection, intervention, and personalized medicine. But what happens when medical knowledge and innovative technology converge? Speakers will discuss applications and implications of this technology, and how it could shape the future of medicine.

  • 3:55 pm – 4:40 pm


    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Funding and Supporting Traditional Health Workers in Community Settings

      B114, Level 1

      Traditional health workers, such as patient navigators, advocates, and community health workers, are vital for accessible, affordable, and equitable health care. Speakers in this session will discuss the financial, compliance-specific, and operational barriers that must be overcome for successful community-based funding relationships for these services. This session will showcase two successful programs, including their development processes, success metrics, lessons learned and replicability.

    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      Employer Perspectives on Value-Based Care Arrangements

      C123, Level 1

      Employer plans cover more Americans than any other type of coverage, so expansion of value-based care to the majority of all Americans will require broad adoption across the employer market. The panelists will discuss ways that the employer market is unique, and how value-based payment arrangements can be successfully implemented in the employer market.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Mastering the Care Management Platform: Insights and Lessons Learned

      Presented by West Monroe Partners
      B115, Level 1

      Successful care management platforms are the result of a unified vision for a population health experience and coordinated operations. Join an in-depth discussion on how to successfully evaluate, select, and implement a care management platform for improved outcomes. Hear insights on how to establish a unified vision, critical success factors and lessons learned, as well as tips on evaluating current platforms and capabilities against market and business needs.

    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      Using Real-Time Insights to Address the Behavioral Health

      Presented by Bamboo Health
      B110, Level 1

      With our nation facing a rapidly growing behavioral health crisis, it is imperative that health insurance and health care providers work together to improve health outcomes. Join this session to explore the scope of this unprecedented crisis; examine recent policy and market trends; and learn ways to leverage real-time insights to impact members with substance use and mental health disorders.

    • Improving Accessibility, Affordability, and Transparency of Health Care

      Leveraging Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve Behavioral Health Treatment

      A106, Level 1

      Evidence-based interventions provide a solid foundation for improving behavioral health treatment. By utilizing interventions that have been rigorously studied and shown to be effective, health care professionals can enhance treatment outcomes, ensure consistency and standardization, and promote accountability and transparency. Speakers in this session will explore the use of whole person and evidence-based approaches to address addiction and substance use disorder treatment.

    • Technology, Trends and Business Insights

      Unlocking the Power of Engaged Members: Leverage Virtual Care to Improve Outcomes

      Presented by Tytocare
      B119, Level 1

      Engaging members is critically important to ensure earlier diagnoses and interventions which lead to lower-cost treatments and improved ROI. Hear insights from health care leaders on how to build, track, and optimize a virtual care strategy that meets business KPIs and impacts ROI. Learn how their virtual care approach works across different cohorts, and how their engagement strategies have increased access into more homes and communities.

    • Medicare, Medicaid, Duals, and Commercial Markets Updates

      The Intersection of Payment Integrity and Fraud, Waste and Abuse

      Presented by Healthcare Fraud Shield
      A109, Level 1

      A common misperception is that Special Investigation Units (SIU) only review fraud activity. However, over the past decade, we have seen a trend toward merging Payment Integrity (PI) and SIU functions. Join this session to discuss potential gaps and areas of overlap between PI and SIU functions. Learn best practices for utilizing PI and SIU functions a comprehensive Fraud, Waste, Abuse & Error program.

5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
, Keynote Session

5:45 pm – 7:00 pm
, Reception with Solutions Providers

Halls C-D, Level 1
Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Solutions Providers
Presented by AHIP

6:15 pm – 6:30 pm
, Presentation Theater

    • Artificial Intelligence Journey: Leveraging AI to Improve Outcomes & Reduce Cost

      Presented by CGI
      Presentation Theater #1: Booth1137 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      AI is top of mind everywhere, yet it's hard to decide how, where or when to employ AI and what best practices to follow. Rooted in client use cases, this session will share strategies on data management, methodologies for AI deployment, and ways to ensure accuracy and transparency. Hear how health insurance providers at different places in their “AI journey” can scale their AI utilization to improve outcomes.

    • Improving the Accuracy of Provider Directories: Challenges and Opportunities

      Presented by Leap Orbit
      Presentation Theater #2: Booth1737 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      Last October, CMS released a request for information (RFI) to gather input on a national provider directory, aiming to tackle the inaccuracies of provider data. While CMS is well-positioned to address this challenge, stakeholders expressed wide-ranging perspectives in response to the RFI. Join this session to explore the pros, cons, and risks of CMS developing a national directory. Gain insights into the challenges posed by provider data errors and discuss potential collaborative paths forward.

8:30 am - 5:00 pm Jun 15 • 2023

8:30 am – 5:30 pm
, Bag and Luggage Check

Exhibit Hall B, Level 1
KEYNOTE SESSION BAG POLICY • Small bag, no larger than 12” x 12” x 6”, are permitted and subject to visual screening. • Larger bags, including backpacks and luggage, are not allowed in Keynote Sessions.
Presented by AHIP

8:30 am – 4:00 pm
, Registration and Information Desk Open

Pre-Function C, Level 1
Registration and Information Desk Open
Presented by Optum – An AHIP Select Member

9:00 am – 10:45 am
, Keynote Session

10:45 am – 1:30 pm
, Exhibit Hall Open

Halls C-D, Level 1
Exhibit Hall Open with Solutions Providers

10:45 am – 11:30 am
, Break

Halls C-D, Level 1
Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Solutions Providers
Presented by CERiS

10:50 am – 11:05 am
, Presentation Theater

    • Behavioral Health in the Workplace: Driving Vitality, Productivity & Retention

      Presented by The Cigna Group
      Presentation Theater #1: Booth1137 (Halls C-D, Level 1)

      The impact of diminished health on personal, professional, and social lives necessitates a new approach to health – one that values, promotes, and prioritizes well-being. Join this session to discuss behavioral health trends in the workplace and an innovative approach to whole person care. Learn how individuals, employers, and health care providers can help improve vitality and impact productivity and retention by addressing mental health and well-being.

11:30 am – 12:15 pm
, Influencer Series

    • Taking Primary Care to the Streets

      A106, Level 1

      This session will explore an innovative health care model that meets patients where they are, which in some cases may be a street corner or under a bridge. Patients experiencing homelessness are served through a “street medicine” approach which is critical to addressing underlying health needs that may be leading to their housing instability. Learn what’s behind this approach and the challenges of providing mental health and substance use services on the street.

    • Thinking Differently to Solve the Health Care Cost Conundrum

      B110, Level 1

      Some leaders are walking the talk to create change and solve the cost crisis in health care. They are moving deeply into value-based arrangements, creating a brand-new category of care, and building on digital solutions. Learn how one serial health care entrepreneur is thinking differently to solve the ultimate cost equation.

    • Combatting Health Misinformation and Re-Engaging Trust in Health Care

      C123, Level 1

      The U.S. health care system exists in a trust crisis. Unfortunately, recent events both in society at large and within the health care industry have created a negative impact on trust that has only magnified the problem. Learn what it will take to improve trust across the system and how improved trust can impact misinformation. An esteemed panel of experts will also discuss innovative ways to combat health misinformation and disinformation head on, a lingering issue exacerbated by the pandemic.

    • Building a Health Care Workforce for Tomorrow

      B115, Level 1

      The pandemic has exacerbated health care professional work force shortages. Nurses and doctors are leaving the field. This leads to delays in access to care. A panel of experts will explore new approaches and solutions for strengthening the health care workforce pipeline by addressing the impact of care deserts, diverse representation, clinical workflow, and clinician burnout.

    • The Power of Partnership and Collaboration in Driving Innovation

      B114, Level 1

      With almost weekly advances in health care technology, many health systems and payer organizations struggle to both keep pace with consumer demand and avoid a fragmented consumer experience. So how do we break down silos and collaborate across the continuum of care? How do we bring the right data and infrastructure together to create a truly end-to-end patient and member journey? Learn how to get back to the basics when it comes to innovation through strategic partnerships – a best-in-class experience starts with core products, core operations and digital at the table, together.

12:15 pm – 1:30 pm
, Networking Lunch

Halls C-D, Level 1
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall with Solutions Providers

1:30 pm – 1:30 pm
, Exhibit Hall Closes

1:30 pm – 3:10 pm
, Concurrent Sessions

  • 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm


    • Addressing Equity, Prevention, and Community Health Improvement

      Roadmap to Understanding Health Care Coverage through Coverage to Care

      C123, Level 1

      As the number of Americans with health coverage increases, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) has emphasized its commitment to creating resources and initiatives that enable consumers to understand their health coverage. This session will discuss their signature health literacy program and how it addresses barriers to care. The speaker will also highlight resources health insurance providers can use to improve equity within their own organizations.

    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      Alternative Payment Models to Accelerate Value-Based Specialty Care

      Presented by Integra Connect
      B115, Level 1

      The most-effective alternative payment models (APM) enable improved patient outcomes and experiences; reduce costs for the patient, provider, and payer; and facilitate practice transformation. Join this session to gain insights on key attributes of successful APMs, how these programs can optimize value-based care, and best practices for APMs that transform how care is delivered and success is measured.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Creating Virtual Preventive Care Programs that Stick

      B114, Level 1

      Virtual preventive care offers numerous advantages, such as convenience, accessibility, and scalability. Join this session to hear about the innovative approaches two health insurance providers are taking to deliver personalized and accessible health care to their members. Learn how to create effective virtual preventive care programs that promote healthy behaviors and empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being.

    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      The Next Level in Quality: Closing Time Sensitive Care Gaps

      Presented by PointClickCare
      B110, Level 1

      HEDIS performance data helps to improve care by monitoring the success of quality improvement initiatives and providing measurement standards that allow comparison with other plans. Hear how health plans can leverage HEDIS data and real time analytics to hone strategies to close time sensitive care gaps. Learn how to aggregate and layer admission, discharge and transfer data and develop effective strategies to address open and time sensitive care gaps.

    • Industry Disruption and Product Innovation

      Implementing AI and Digital Therapeutics to Improve Outcomes for Older Adults

      Presented by Kaia Health
      A109, Level 1

      Chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) pain is the leading cause of disability in the US and forecasts indicate that costs will increase with an aging population. As care shifts to the home, an integrative approach is imperative to keeping older adults healthier. Learn why digital therapeutics is a strategic imperative and how to implement a successful MSK solution. Gain insights to couple clinical expertise with superior AI to deliver improved engagement and outcomes while lowering member costs.

    • Improving Accessibility, Affordability, and Transparency of Health Care

      Has Health Care Price Transparency Been Good, Bad, or Had Any Effect at All?

      A106, Level 1
    • Technology, Trends and Business Insights

      Optimizing Cash Flow and Cost Savings in Health Care

      Presented by Oracle
      B119, Level 1

      Successful business models rely on effective cash management to power investments in new products and services. In this session, explore how health insurance providers can simplify policy administration, ensure accurate billing, and expedite claims processing, while providers can drive seamless care delivery. Learn how to optimize resources, reduce expenses, and gain control of cash flow for an exceptional health care experience.

  • 2:25 pm – 3:10 pm


    • Advancing Alternative Payment Models and Value-Based Care Strategies

      Advancing Value-Based Payment Models at the State Level

      C123, Level 1

      This session will explore the progress of the State Transformation Collaboratives (STCs) to support locally driven health care transformation efforts around alternative payment models. Hear how STC members from Washington state, Colorado, and North Carolina are handling multi-stakeholder engagement.

    • Care Management and Delivery System Transformation

      Reversing Type 2 Diabetes through Nutrition and Advanced Telehealth

      B114, Level 1
    • Data, Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

      Streamline the Payer-Provider Relationship: Leveraging AI for UR Transformation

      Presented by XSOLIS
      B115, Level 1

      Health care is at a tipping point where improved payer-provider relations are imperative. Collaboration platforms for interventions could deliver approximately $35 billion in annual savings. Join a panel of leaders to hear how AI is accelerating decision making and enhancing concurrent authorization and collaboration. Learn from recent results including UR workflow improvements and efficiencies gained by automating status determinations.

    • Industry Disruption and Product Innovation

      $363 Billion Reasons to Care: Reversing the Rising Tide of Cardiovascular Events

      Presented by Family Heart Foundation
      B110, Level 1

      Heart disease and stroke costs in the US total $363 billion per year and in 2020, cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths set a new record at close to 1 million. Although LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) is modifiable, it is a cardiovascular risk factor which continues to be poorly controlled. Join this session to examine the state of LDL-C control among 38M Americans at high risk for CVD. Gain insights from the analysis and identify potential solutions to prioritize LDL control and improve patient outcomes.

    • Next-Generation Consumer Experience and Engagement

      From Waste to Wins: How to Reinvest Cost Savings into the Customer Experience

      A106, Level 1

      Reinvesting cost savings into the customer experience is a strategic approach that organizations can adopt to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Learn how a large integrated delivery system is identifying waste in care and turning cost savings into value for patients and members by improving access, quality, safety, affordability, and the overall experience. Gain practical tips and insights on their lessons learned leading value-based clinical transformation.

    • Medicare, Medicaid, Duals, and Commercial Markets Updates

      Updates on Medicaid Redeterminations

      B119, Level 1

      After a 3-year pause, Medicaid eligibility renewal determinations have resumed with the first redeterminations effective in April 2023. This session will review current and expected nationwide impacts on Medicaid enrollees, the outlook for transitions to employer and Marketplace coverage; administrative processes and challenges states are experiencing, and how states are working with their Medicaid managed care plans to contact enrollees and assist them with renewal processes and requirements.

3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
, Break

Oregon Ballroom, Level 2
"Happy Hour" in the General Session
Presented by AHIP

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
, Closing Keynote Session

5:00 pm – 5:00 pm
, Conference Adjourns