Join Today and Take Advantage of These AHIP Individual Membership Benefits
- Free access to one (1) AHIP Health Care Policy Outlook briefing featuring AHIP Senior Executives.
- Discounts on AHIP’s conferences and their networking opportunities.
- Discounted rates on AHIP on online courses*, which you can use to earn Continuing Education credits or a career-driving professional designation.
- Automatic subscription to the Federal News Bulletin weekly e-newsletter, published exclusively for Individual Members.
- Up to 5 targeted SmartBrief e-newsletters. Choose the topics and issue frequencies most relevant to the work you do.
- Discounted rates on AHIP Career Center job postings.
* Note that there is no discounted member price for the Marketing Medicare Advantage + Fraud, Waste, and Abuse course; the Health Savings Account (HSA) Expert Certificate course; and Medicare Primer.
Individual Membership is available to agents, brokers, educators, students, health care practitioners, and others working in the health care industry.
- Employees of current AHIP Member Organizations are automatically entitled to member benefits at no additional cost.
If you are employed by a non-member health plan organization or a non-sponsoring solutions provider, you are not eligible for this type of membership.
Current Individual Members
Click below to pay your membership fee or renew your membership.
- For online payment, click here.
- To pay via check, click here.