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The Alliance to Fight for Health Care released new data on health insurance coverage losses


Published Sep 23, 2020 • by AHIP

The Alliance to Fight for Health Care today released new data on health insurance coverage losses highlighting the need for Congress to take swift action in the next COVID-19 relief package to provide temporary COBRA funding to help people stay on their employer-provided health insurance if they have lost their jobs or been furloughed due to COVID-19.

America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), an executive committee member of the Alliance to Fight for Health Care, conducted two surveys on the COVID-19 impact on coverage in the commercial market to all its member health insurance providers with enrollment in large group (self-insured and fully insured) and individual (on- and off-exchange) markets.

The surveys found:

  • In April and May of 2020, almost 7.5 million Americans enrolled in commercial health insurance lost their coverage.
  • Most of the coverage loss occurred in the group market, with 7.3 million Americans losing health coverage, including 5.2 million in the self-insured market and 2.1 million in the fully-insured market.
  • Loss of health coverage in the individual market was more moderate at 0.1 million. The off-exchange individual market accounts for most of that loss. Enrollment in the marketplace exchanges remained unchanged in that period.
  • While few employers chose to terminate health insurance contracts (0.3%), a substantial number of employers requested a premium holiday (3.6%) or were unable to pay premiums (4.2%) during the same time frame.

Families need the security and peace of mind that they can depend on their health care coverage—even if they have lost their job. In addition, polling shows 90% of voters support Congress taking immediate action to help Americans maintain coverage and continuity of care if they lose their job.

It’s time for Congress to help Americans keep their coverage when they need it the most.