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AHIP Urges for Unity and a Peaceful Transition of Power

Press Release

Published Jan 7, 2021 • by AHIP

On January 6, 2021, following the violent events at the United States Capitol building, Matt Eyles, president and CEO of AHIP, sent the following message to all AHIP employees:

Like you, I am watching with great shock and dismay at the events that are unfolding in our nation’s capital. The formal counting of electoral votes is an important and time-honored part of our democratic institutions along with our uninterrupted history of peaceful transfers of power. To see the violent disruption of these proceedings incited by an American president is an image that I never thought we would witness in our great country. While this is dispiriting for the nation and presented serious concerns for the safety of those with whom we frequently work in Congress, I remain confident that democracy will prevail, order will be restored, and the Congress will be able to resume its constitutional duty.

In the meantime, I urge you all to keep yourselves and your loved ones safe. Washington DC is the heart of our democracy – and it is our home. I also want to highlight that a curfew has been set in Washington, DC for 6pm tonight until 6am tomorrow, and AHIP’s offices remain closed due to the pandemic. We will keep you informed of any events that directly impact our facilities.

I also encourage you to reach out to our employee assistance program (EAP) for additional support. The EAP hotline is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Honor and decency will prevail, and peace will be restored. Stay calm, and hold your loved ones close. I, and the entire executive team, are here to provide any support you need.

Be safe and well,

Matt Eyles, President & CEO