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How payers can execute high-performing interoperability programs to enable clinical data

Sponsored White Paper

Cotiviti invests in interoperability to help clients benefit from digital data across risk adjustment the risk adjustment and quality continuum.

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Cotiviti Healthcare

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Published on Jun 8, 2024

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This white paper represents the views of the author, not America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP). The publication, distribution or posting of this white paper by AHIP does not constitute a guaranty of any product or service by AHIP.


Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems to exchange data in away that is useful for end users and stakeholders. It is a crucial element of any high-performing risk adjustment or quality improvement program, enabling payers to rapidly and securely acquire data contained in medical records to support essential functions such as suspecting analytics, medical record coding, and HEDIS® abstraction.