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Medicare Advantage: Better Services, Better Care, Better Value


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Published on Mar 7, 2018

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Medicare Advantage

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We need to fix health care. Let’s start by looking at what’s working.

Better Services

Medicare Advantage is an option within Medicare that provides the same benefits as traditional Medicare, but includes additional services and coverage like prescription drugs, vision, hearing, dental, and wellness care for more than 18 million seniors. It is offered and administered by private health insurance providers.

Better Care

Medicare Advantage provides health care benefits—including preventative care coverage, which means less trips to the hospital—that seniors love. 90 percent or more of beneficiaries are satisfied with the quality of care they receive, their health insurance plans, and their benefits.*

Better Value

Medicare Advantage protects seniors’ financial health too. Unlike traditional Medicare, Medicare Advantage caps out of pocket costs—helping protect seniors from potential catastrophic health care expenses that could threaten their financial security.

When policymakers want to find effective solutions that encourage competition, improve coverage, and cap costs—they can find them in Medicare Advantage. Learn more by downloading our report below.

*Morning Consult National Tracking Poll. March 11-16, 2016.