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The Value of Medicaid: How Coverage Impacts the Care of Serious Chronic Health Conditions 2018


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Published on Nov 13, 2018

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Patients covered by Medicaid who are diagnosed with asthma, diabetes mellitus, or mood disorders had clinical care that was comparable to patients with commercial health care coverage. Their clinical experiences were far superior to those of patients without health care coverage.

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Medicaid enrollees with asthma received inhalers and recommended medicines far more often than patients without coverage. People with asthma and no health coverage also went to emergency rooms and saw other doctors more frequently.

Medicaid enrollees with diabetes received monitoring services like annual cholesterol tests, eye exams, and foot exams more often than people without health care coverage.

Medicaid enrollees with mood disorders like major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder were much more likely to receive a recommended combination of medication and psychotherapy treatments than uninsured people.

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