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What Changes Did the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Propose in the 2020 Advance Notice?


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Published on Feb 19, 2019

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MA delivers affordable coverage by limiting out-of-pocket costs and offering additional benefits that the government run traditional Medicare doesn’t cover – such as integrated vision, hearing, dental, and wellness programs. In 2019, 90 percent of Medicare beneficiaries can choose a MA plan with prescription drug coverage for no additional premium.

Research shows MA plans achieve better health outcomes than the traditional Medicare program, while average payments to MA plans are equivalent to traditional Medicare costs. Many doctors and hospitals are also adopting MA plan practices for their patients on traditional Medicare. As a result, the improved care and reduced costs “spill over” to benefit traditional Medicare patients, too.

What is the Advance Notice?

The Advance Notice was released in two parts – CMS released Part I of the 2020 Advance Notice on December 20, 2018 and Part II on January 30, 2019. Together they lay out the proposed policies governing plan payment for 2020. Stakeholders have until March 1, 2019 to comment on the Advance Notice prior to CMS issuing a Final Notice on April 1, 2019. Read more by downloading our brief.