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Prevention & Personalization: Solutions to Improve Women’s Health

Oct 24, 2023
2:00 pm EDT
Presented by Ovia Health – An AHIP Select Member
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About This Webinar

Half the world’s population are women. Yet, women’s health has been widely ignored, or labeled as niche. From menstruation to menopause, women of every age have specific needs that aren’t being adequately met. 72% of women experience medical gaslighting1, 1 in 6 struggle with infertility2, 1 in 10 women have a preterm birth3, 4 out of 5 pregnancy-related deaths are preventable4, 20% of women say their menopause symptoms are so bad they are considering quitting their jobs5, and 70% admit they don’t know enough about menopause even though they will experience it soon.6

While many organizations have worked to tackle women’s health, most are doing so in pieces. Menstruation, fertility, endometriosis, PCOS, pregnancy, postpartum, breast health, menopause — these things are all treated as separate issues. But maybe that’s the problem, treating women’s health as individual symptoms after the fact vs addressing the greater underlying issues.

This webinar will dive deeper into the intersectionality of women’s health and explain why it’s imperative to modernize care by leveraging digital platforms that focus on prevention. Attendees will learn how to empower women at every life stage and age, and improve outcomes. Speakers will explore how personalized digital health solutions can help women avoid adverse events during high-risk and high-cost life moments like fertility, pregnancy, postpartum care, menopause, and everything in between.

Attendees Will Learn About

  • The intersectionality of women’s health
  • How digital health can improve engagement, health literacy, and outcomes for women at key stages in their life
  • Why an end-to-end, personalized, prevention-focused solution is necessary to improve outcomes and reduce unnecessary costs from areas related to fertility, pregnancy, menopause and beyond








Leslie Saltzman, DO, MBA

Chief Medical Officer

Ovia Health

Dr. Leslie Saltzman is the Chief Medical Officer at Ovia Health, a Labcorp subsidiary and the leading digital women’s and family health platform. Dr. Saltzman has more than 15 years of experience in clinical and business technology settings. She most recently served as vice president of medical at TrialSpark, where she oversaw a team providing cross-functional support across business…

Learn more about Leslie Saltzman, DO, MBA

Von Miles

GM and SVP, Health Plan Business

Ovia Health

Von is the GM and Senior Vice President of Health Plan Business at Ovia Health. Her team takes immense pride in providing the most comprehensive and impactful platform for women's and family health. Ovia offers a wide range of services covering women's preventive health, pregnancy, parenting, and menopause. Von's teams are dedicated to revenue growth, retention, and customer satisfaction. With…

Learn more about Von Miles